


1. What types of bags do you like?

2. Do you usually carry a bag when you go out?

3. Do you have different bags for different occasions?

4. What do you put in these bags?

5. Have you lost bags?


1. Bag is not really must-have item to me. I just use a backpack due to its ﻪconvenience. Probably I’ll spend some time getting to know more about bags later ﻪon.

2. I’m not a big fan of this item so the only bag I use from time to time ﻪis the backpack. I love backpack because I tend to put a lot of heavy stuff ﻪinside such as my laptop, my water bottles, etc. whenever I get outdoors. It’s ﻪthe long-term convenience that makes high-quality backpacks worth my money.

3. As aforementioned I carry my backpack all the time, when I go to school ﻪor hang out with friends. Although it may not give me a fashionable look, I ﻪthink comfort and convenience is the top priority to me.


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